Welcome to addam
an association of directors of development, admissions and marketing
Who We Are
The Association of Directors of Development, Admissions, and Marketing (ADDAM) is a group of professionals in the field of child, adolescent, and young adult residential services who are responsible for generating referrals, expanding markets, and creating new business opportunities for their organizations. Our members represent both private for-profit and not-for-profit agencies providing a wide array of youth services throughout the United States. Since its inception in 1996, ADDAM members from across the country have networked to exchange referrals and share their experience and knowledge relating to admissions, marketing, and business development.
Our Vision
“To serve as a network of admissions, marketing, and business development professionals in the field of child and adolescent residential services dedicated to the support of its membership by sharing mutually beneficial information, recognizing each other as potential referral sources, and affecting positive changes in our industry.”