Alpine Academy Therapeutic Schools is a Residential Treatment Program located in Utah, just 30 minutes west of the Salt Lake City International Airport. The two separate 30+ acre campuses – one for males and one for females – serve adolescents ages 12-18. The campuses are just three miles apart. Both serve students experiencing severe emotional disturbances, including anxiety, depression, trauma, attachment and relationship issues, and social skill deficits. Established in 2001, Alpine Academy is a fully accredited school with dual-endorsed teachers at the front of every classroom. Therapy, with Master’s level clinicians, is built into the school day. Alpine is a nationally certified Teaching-Family Model treatment program. Students live in homes with trained adults, often married couples, who provide a family-like setting and serve as professional house parents. Through a strength-based, trauma-informed, individualized approach, students are taught healthy behaviors in a setting that best replicates family, school, and community life.
Royal Robins
Director of Admissions and Development
Alpine Academy
(435) 833-8093 (office)