Hallmark Youthcare is a safe and secure psychiatric residential treatment facility located in Richmond, Virginia serving males and females ages 11-17.  Programs offered:  general psychiatric disorders, 90 day assessment and diagnostic, ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) certified substance abuse, males with sexually acting out behaviors (ages 12-17 w/IQ 70+) and female domestic minors of sex trafficking.  Hallmark Youthcare is licensed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and accredited by The Joint Commission, The Sanctuary Model® Elite Certification and an approved QRTP (Qualified Residential Treatment Provider).  Hallmark Youthcare has a licensed on-site school serving grades 6th to 12th.  Evidence-based practices include, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Motivational Interviewing and Good Lives.

Vassanthi I. Griffis, MBA
Director of Business Development
Admission 804.784.6432
F 804.784.5261

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