The Heartspring School, located in Wichita, Kansas, is a not-for-profit residential and day school serving boys and girls ages 5 – 21, from across the country. Heartspring serves students with various developmental delays and/or intellectual disabilities, but specifically specializes in serving those with an autism spectrum disorder. Most students have challenging behaviors that have interfered with their educational progress, access to their community, and life at home.

Heartspring utilizes principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and positive behavior supports to develop an individualized behavior program for each student. In addition, increasing communication skills is also a vital part of each student’s program. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is used with students who have limited functional communication to help them learn and participate in their educational program and in their community, with minimal behavioral disruptions.

Haleigh Thom – Admissions Coordinator
Office: 316-634-8857
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